Aviation High School Alumni
My Name is Noemi Rodriguez; I am your Parent Coordinator here at Aviation Career and Technical Education High School. I am excited to be on this journey with you; working together so that you can be your child’s best partner in reaching the key to student success in their High School career. As the Parent Coordinator I am your community liaison. My goals are to empower, motivate and assist parents; to create programs and events that adhere to our curriculum and lend to an overall memorable experience. I have an open door policy and I will be more than happy to assist you with any questions that you may have.
I can be reached in the Guidance Office Room 135
I am committed to Aviation High School's vision for you and your child. Research has shown a direct correlation between parent involvement and higher student achievement outcomes. Please return to this page frequently for updates. Other methods of communication are Pupil Path, Emails, Parent Surveys and Personal phone calls.
Safety is our priority, when arriving at Aviation High School please see the security desk at the main entrance to receive a pass to the appropriate location.