Loans for Pilot training UK
Airline pilot training is an investment designed to bring you a rewarding and fulfilling career. 12 or more months of intensive training are completed and then the crucial task of finding that first airline job as a First Officer begins.
The two questions we are most asked as trainers are “What are my chances of getting a job once I am trained and qualified?” and “What funding solutions can you offer to help me pay for my training?”
With regard to the first question we advise you to thoroughly research the opportunities before you commence training and make an educated decision as to the state of the industry and what it might be like in 12 to 14 months time when you will be looking for employment. There is masses of information about an impending pilot shortage on the Internet, but only you can make the decision based on the facts you find. Also remember, being a small industry it is important to ‘network’ during your training, as you very often meet someone who might be an important contact during your job-hunting period later on.
With regard to the second question, 2FLY work with financial institutions who offer student loans for training including PPL, CPL and full ATPL programmes.