Aviation Career and Technical Education High School
Congratulations on having the foresight to consider classes at the Career and Technical Education Academy in your plans for the future. In a very short time, the CTE Academy has become a leader in providing the highest quality, hands-on learning opportunities for high school students in the region. The curriculum, equipment, and real-world experiences are second to none.
From culinary arts to welding to digital animation and more - the CTE Academy is a state of the art facility where students are encouraged to explore career paths prior to bearing the burden of a college or post-secondary tuition. With incredible support from the business community, the CTE Academy is a long-term workforce development tool and, ultimately, adds to the vibrancy and cutting-edge mentality of our community.
So, whatever your future holds - a two year technical institute, a four year college or university, the military, or entry into the workforce - your experience at CTE will surely provide an educational advantage. Best wishes as you make plans for your future! Read More