Aviation High School Des Moines WA
In 2017, Highline Schools Foundation announced that it will award $166, 000 in scholarships to students enrolled in Highline Public Schools.
The Highline Schools Foundation strives to be a bridge to opportunity for Highline Public School students. One of the many ways the Foundation makes an impact is with its generous scholarship program. All Highline Schools Foundation scholarships are available to graduating seniors who live in the Highline Public Schools service area and will graduate with a diploma from Highline Public Schools by June 30, 2017. More information and the online scholarship application can be found on their website: www.highlineschoolsfoundation.org.
“The Foundation’s scholarship program started in 2002 with just three scholarships and has grown every year. We are excited to announce that thanks to the generosity of our community, the Foundation is able to increase the number of college scholarships to 19!” said Marco Milanese, Highline Schools Foundation President. “The cornerstone of our scholarship program is the commitment of our community to help the most vulnerable students in our district continue their education beyond high school. Brad and Danielle Tilden; Matt Griffin and Evelyne Rozner; Brooks Powell and Powell Custom Homes & Renovations; and HPS retired teacher Carlyn Hove Roedell and her sister Robyn Hove Layng are funding new scholarships this year that will help families with the cost of college for their children.”
The Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (STIA) Scholarship is the Foundation’s longest running scholarship. This needs-based scholarship is funded through the annual the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Scholarship charity golf tournament (sponsored by volunteer employees of the Port of Seattle and HMS Host). Last year, Alaska Airlines increased the number of scholarships they funded to four and the Foundation offered their first 4-year scholarships in 2015 thanks to local alumnus CM Garrity.
Beginning in 2017, graduating seniors in Highline Public Schools will have 6 new scholarships available to them, including a third $20, 000, 4-year scholarship.
Scholarships Available in 2017:
- 13th Year Scholarship will be awarded based on need, academic achievement, participation in school activities, community service, leadership, and area of study/career aspirations. Four (4) $5, 000 scholarships will be awarded. Scholarship to be awarded to the recipients during their first year of study at a four-year college or university, or a two-year community college, junior college or accredited trade school.
- Alaska Airlines Scholarship is based on financial need, academic merit, achievement, and the student’s future goals. Four (4) $5, 000 scholarships will be awarded, with two designated for Raisbeck Aviation High School students. Scholarship to be awarded to the recipients during their first year of study at a 2 or 4-year institution.
- Bill Maynard Memorial Scholarship is based on financial need, academic merit, achievement, and the student’s future goals. One (1) $1, 000 scholarship will be awarded to one student pursuing a voc-tech education and career. Scholarship to be awarded to the recipient during their first year of study.
- Civility and Social Responsibility Scholarship will be awarded based on student’s commitment to civility and social responsibility; writing skills, academic achievement, financial need; leadership skills; extent of community involvement; achievements in particular fields; and work history. One (1) $2, 000 scholarship will be awarded to one student pursuing a 2 or 4-year education. Scholarship to be awarded to the recipient during their first year of study.
- CM Garrity Scholarship is awarded based on financial need; academic performance; leadership; and community service or extracurricular activities. Two (2) $20, 000 scholarships will be awarded to one female and one male graduating student attending a 4-year institution. Scholarship to be awarded to the recipients in four (4) equal installments of $5, 000 per year.
- Evelyne Rozner and Matt Griffin Scholarship will be awarded based on academic achievement and need to a student who plans to study engineering, math, or physics. One (1) $20, 000 scholarship will be awarded to one graduating student attending a 4-year institution. Scholarship to be awarded to the recipient in four (4) equal installments of $5, 000 per year.
- Light and Love Scholarship is designed to honor an individual who exemplifies genuine kindness to adults and peers in all endeavors. One (1) $1, 000 scholarship will be awarded to one graduating student attending a 2 or 4-year institution who exemplifies genuine kindness to adults and peers in all endeavors. Scholarship to be awarded to the recipient during their first year of study.
- Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (STIA) Scholarship is a needs-based scholarship awarded annually to students who are motivated to pursue a science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) education and career. Two (2) $20, 000 scholarships and one $10, 000 scholarship will be awarded. Scholarship to be awarded to the recipients during their first two-years of study.
- TinShip Scholarship is intended for graduates who want to pursue a trade school, for careers in mechanics, building, machinery or craftsmanship. Two (2) $6, 000 scholarships will be awarded to students attending an accredited Trade School.
All Highline Schools Foundation scholarships are available to graduating seniors who live in the Highline Public Schools service area and will graduate with a diploma from Highline Public Schools by June 30, 2017.