UAV Pilot training Schools
Gene Payson is the Chief Pilot at Unmanned Vehicle University and is responsible for the coordination of all sUAS flight training. He has a 100% customer satisfaction rating.
Gene holds a BSME. He has over 45 years of engineering, piloting, and instructing experience with small UAVs. He is president and chief pilot of a sUAS company involved in manufacturing custom sUAS and providing sUAS services to various industries.
Gene is also currently employed as a USAF certified sUAS pilot for the United States Air Force Research Laboratory operating from Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton Ohio as a civilian contractor. Gene operates a variety of gas and electric powered aircraft in research endeavors.
Gene has worldwide training experience with fire, law enforcement, oil & gas, power utilities, search & rescue, anti-poaching, GIS, mining, precision agriculture, and more. He is familiar with various sensors such as EO, IR, Lidar, Precision Agriculture NDVI, Radar, and Sonar. Training is tailored to specific customer requirements.
Gene trains in his mobile command & control vehicle. Students operate from the comfort of an air conditioned truck equipped with long range antennas, large video monitors, and gas powered generator with 24/7 operational capabilities used for disaster response. Training includes how to outfit a mobile command & control unit for any purpose.
Gene has a dozen operational sUAS which are modified for specific operations. Many are equipped with autopilots for fully autonomous flights. You program the mission and the sUAS flies it automatically. Using the right UAV and the right sensor for the job is paramount to successful operations.
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