TransPac Aviation Academy Reviews
Being a Flight Instructor to primarily Chinese Students at TransPac Aviation Academy was a great experience because of how driven they were. It is common to begin teaching 4 students, fresh from the beginning of their Private Pilot phase, and take them to the end of their Commercial training. It is impossible not to create a bond with the students you have. They became like family to me. Despite how close of a friendship we had it never interfered with the professionalism we had during training. I admired how driven they were to stay focused and study. If you gave them something to study, they were happy to learn all that they could about that subject.
The Phoenix airspace is initially a challenging airspace to fly in. But it shapes some of the best pilots. I would not have been able to build my diverse flying skills in complex terminal airspace anywhere else (Deer Valley also being the busiest general aviation airport in the world).
Throughout my Instrument and Commercial Flight Instructor phase with my students, I was able to earn over 100 flight hours, on average, a month...only flying 5 days a week!
I have just finished my instructing days at TransPac and was successful with helping my students get through all of their checkrides, Even with the most challenging students you may get, TransPac's system for pilot development helps ensure that almost every student gets through training...there are a lot of diverse resources used to help ensure this (Extra flights, SIMS, Orals, Observations, etc.)
On a different note, TransPac was very accommodating with any time off I needed. I was able to not only use vacation time / sick time but was able to do any "day-swaps". There really wasn't a barrier between the time off I needed and the time off they were able to give me (just don't abuse this benefit).
TransPac also now gives you an extra $200 a month if the company reaches their goal number of successfully completed missions for the month.
TransPac also has a great reputation with the regional airlines. Regional recruiters come onto campus every single month presenting and recruiting instructors to join. SkyWest Airlines has the closest connection with TransPac (they are also "partners" now) and really tries to recruit all of TransPac's instructors. Interviews for SkyWest are also done in house, at TransPac!
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