Becoming a Marine Corps pilot
To: Future United States Marine Corps Pilot
RE: Your Marine Corps Pilot Career
The Marines are looking for a few motivated, dedicated, hard charging men and women to fly their aircraft.
Job Requirements:
- mental toughness
- physical toughness
- intelligence
- the ability to lead
- a willingness to kick ass all over the globe
- a desire to fly Marine Corps aircraft on operations around the world
Perks Include:
- getting paid-believe it or not the Marine Corps actually pays you to fly.
- Working and Flying with some of the best people on the planet.
- Membership into an exclusive club-Marine Corps Aviators
- flying technologically advanced aircraft around the globe
Are You Interested?
Before you say yes let me ask you a question.
What makes you think you have what it takes to become a Marine, much less a pilot?
There are thousands of people just like you who want to be Marine Corps pilots.
Why Should the Marine Corps choose you?
What do you offer that others don't?
If you want to be a Marine Corps pilot, the first step in your journey is to earn a commission as a Marine Corps officer (all pilots are commissioned officers).
In order to be given the opportunity to earn a commission, you need to prove to the Marine Corps that you have the character traits and sense of duty they want in all of their officers.
If you can't prove to the Marine Corps, by your actions, that you have what they want your career will end before it begins.
This is the most important part of the entire process of you getting your wings and is an area where many careers end before they begin.
The Marines don't care about what you say. They only care about what you do. If you can't show the Corps that you have what it takes than you'll have no chance at becoming a pilot.
This is also an area that the Marine Corps Pilot Career Guide can give you tremendous guidance.
It gives you proven, time tested techniques that will help you get a flight slot. These techniques have worked for pilots who've gone before you, will work for pilots who come after you, and most importantly will work for you.