Cost of helicopter pilot training
J J H E L I . C O M
We provide you the training you need to make your helicopter dream a reality. We offer the comlete FAA helicopter pilot training programs of Private Piot, Commercial Pilot, and Certified Flight Instructor. Our Certified Flight Instructors are highly qualified.
Our training helicopters are the Robinson R22 and Robinson R44 manufactured by Robinson Helicopter. Due to relatively low operating costs, the R22 and the R44 have been popular as a primary rotorcraft trainer around the world.
Robinson R44 Helicopter
・4 seater ・260 BHP ・Max. weight 2400lb ・Fuel 100LL ・6 cylinders ・Max. Speed 130 knots
・2 seater ・145 BHP derated ・Max. weight 1370lb ・Fuel 100LL ・4 cylinders ・Max. speed 102 knots
The length of time that is required to complete the lesson depends largely on your ability, and motivation to learn. It usually takes about ten weeks to complete the private pilot helicopter course if a reasonably full schedule is maintained. Your training will consist of a comprehensive one-on-one instructional program with a qualified instructor. We are available 7 days a week, and open holidays! You could take a lesson anytime you would like.
R22 Dual R44 Dual Ground Instruction
・Regular Rate $350/hour $595/hour $95/hour
・$1000 Block Rate $330/hour $550/hour $85/hour
・$2000 Block Rate $295/hour $495/hour $75/hourINTRODUCTORY FLIGHT
Take an introductory helicopter lesson to see the potential you have for flying career. Take the introductory flight today and propel your new career to the next level.
・ $370 per person (approximately 75 minutes)
・ $295 per person (approximately 60 minutes)
・ $240 per person (approximately 45 minutes)
・ $185 per person (approximately 30 minutes)
・ $109 per person (approximately 15 minutes)JJ RENTAL CLUB
If you become a memeber of the, you'll get lower hourly rates. Become a member of the JJ rental club now and enjoy your flight with cheaper rates!