Oakland Aviation High School
We are a comprehensive high school that prepares students for success in college and a career in aviation or business. Students who graduate from our program will be able to choose to continue their studies at a four-year university, or to enter the workforce directly after graduation.
We have small classes (20 or less), and a developed advisory program. Our courses will be taught according to accepted best practices, and we only hire the highest quality professional educators. Students will choose one of three major areas of concentration: Aviation Maintenance Technology; preparation for a career in business or international trade; or a personalized business internship program.
As a California Public Charter School we do not charge tuition and we have no admission requirements. Oakland Aviation High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic class or disability
Now Serving 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th Grades
We will enroll 65 students for each grade level 9-12. We started enrolling our first 9th grade cohort in September 2006. In 2007 we added a second 9th grade class, and in 2008 we added a third.
The Oakland Aviation High School Design Team was formed in 2002 through a partnership with Oakland Community Organizations, the Port of Oakland, the College of Alameda with participation and support from the Tuskegee Airmen, Western Aerospace Museum, Oakland Unified School District, EC Reems Academy or Technology and Art, and committed individuals who are parents, educators, pilots, airline mechanics and business people.
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