High School Aviation Programs
The Plan:
Year 1 – This class is mostly for freshman focusing on career opportunities in Aviation and Aerospace. I want students to see the vastness of the industry and to start narrowing in on what they are passionate about when it comes to potential future employment. This class will be offered Fall of 2016.
Year 2 – As of Fall of 2014, Aviation I exposes students to aviation professionals, concepts, and opportunities while covering the first portion of the Private Pilot ground school content knowledge. Advanced Simulators are used to teach flying skills as part of the curriculum during class.
Year 3 – Aviation II picks up where Aviation I leaves off. Students receive the rest of their Private Pilot knowledge content and can be signed off at the end of the year to take the FAA written exam. Completion of Aviation I and II may allow students to receive college credit should they choose to enter most collegiate aviation programs. Students will continue their training on the simulators as well. This class began Fall of 2015.
Year 4 – Students are starting to receive internship opportunities with local aviation partners that allow students to receive high school credit while off campus working directly with aviation professionals. This can be in ANYTHING such as aircraft maintenance, air traffic control, business, airport operations, engineering, design, or maybe even flying! Additionally, Aviation Science is a UC approved course that is being written for upper classmen and will be available Fall of 2016.
Ways You Can Help:
1. Provide Grant or Scholarship money for classroom technology, field trips, or individual students enrolled in the program.
2. Guest speakers that are willing to share their experiences and insights with the class or teach a lesson in class content.
3. Work Place Learning/Tour opportunities that would allow students to see aviation facilities, processes, and personnel in an aviation or aerospace environment.