Silver Wings Aviation Academy
Thank you for submitting your application/renewal for membership in the Silver Wings Fraternity! We have received your payment and your information will be added to our records. Your access to the “Members Area” of the web site will be enabled or renewed. New members will receive an email with their temporary member number within the next 24 to 48 hours. Your login ID is your email address and your password is your member number. In 2-3 weeks, NEW MEMBERS will receive your new member kit.
The new member kit consists of:
- Your Membership Certificate,
- Your Membership card,
- A SWF vinyl decal, and
- A “Wings” lapel pin of the style appropriate to your experience level.
Order Your SWF Lapel Pins
Additional lapel pins are available for purchase. to view the merchandise order page for pins and other Silver Wings Fraternity merchandise.
Attend the Annual Silver Wings Fraternity Convention!
All members are invited to attend the Annual Convention. This year’s convention will be held in Pensacola, FL October 4 thru 7th. Mark your calendars and make your plans to attend! This fun-filled event entails the annual membership meeting, banquet dinner with guest speaker, tours of the National Aviation Museum and the Foundation’s National Flight Academy. and other local attractions. It’s a great way to meet some interesting and friendly Fraternity brothers and sisters and hear some great aviation stories. Details of the convention and registration forms will be published as soon as venues are firmed up.
Visit Us at the Silver Wings Clubhouse at Sun N’ Fun
A great way to enjoy your membership is by relaxing in the cool shade at our clubhouse at Sun N’ Fun. Our cottage has ADA accessibility and we have refreshments available. We serve a lunch daily for our members and invited guests. Make the clubhouse your home base while at the fly-in. We look forward to seeing you there!