Pilot training in Canada
Seneca College, renowned for its full-time Aviation and Flight Technology Programs, offers a part-time aviation certificate. All classroom instruction is conducted by Seneca College and flight training is arranged by the student at a training provider registered as a Private Career College with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
Commercial aviation in Canada is expanding and industry experts expect a growing need for professional pilots over the next several years. Graduates of this program will gain the tools needed to succeed in the many faceted and competitive aviation industry. Graduates of this program can expect to find employment with a small aviation centre as a flight instructor, charter pilot or in related positions.
Students who are interested in Private Pilot Flight Training only will also benefit by taking some or all of the courses offered such as Aeronautics, Meteorology, Pilot Navigation, Basic Aircraft Systems and Human Factors.
All indications are that the pilot shortage we are experiencing will continue through this decade. The flight training industry needs to produce many qualified graduates to help meet this worldwide need. At the same time, airlines are more and more requiring post-secondary education along with the basic flying qualifications. Employers are also looking for special skill training to be included in the professional pilot curriculum.
Information Session
New students are invited to attend an information session.
Career Opportunities
Seneca College has trained many pilots for the aviation industry in Canada. All forecasts indicate a significant increase in the demand for commercial pilots with post-secondary education. Most graduates will initially find employment as flight instructors and then proceed to light charter operations after using this apprenticeship period to hone their basic skills. Other opportunities for seasoned professionals include positions with regional and major air carriers, government service, and flight training administration.
Entry Requirements
This intensive program requires significant commitment to a career in commercial aviation. The basic prerequisites for admission are:
- Mature student OR OSSD
- Proof of a Transport Canada Category I Medical Certificate. (Required prior to flight training)
- A basic understanding of computer technology.
It is your responsibility to ensure that program requirements and course prerequisites as outlined are met. Prerequisites are included for your academic protection. Knowledge of the prerequisite material is assumed by your instructor and instruction will proceed accordingly. Students lacking prerequisites not only jeopardize their own ability to succeed but present unnecessary interruption. If you lack appropriate prerequisites (or Transfer Credit for the prerequisite course) you may be asked to withdraw or transfer to a more appropriate course with the risk of academic/financial penalty.
Commercial Pilot Training (10 courses + 200 Hours Flight Training)
This course covers the theory of flight, aircraft engines, airframes and propellers, aircraft instruments, aircraft performance, aeronautical facilities, the Canadian airspace structure, aeronautical radio communications, personnel and aircraft licensing, air traffic rules and procedures and an introduction to medical facts for pilots and flight safety. These topics prepare students for Transport Canada Exams.
This course provides a detailed study of the theory of aviation meteorology as well as Environment Canada and Nav Canada weather services provided to aircrews for flight planning in commercial flight operations. Topics covered in weather theory include the properties of the atmosphere, humidity, clouds, atmospheric heating, cooling and stability, pressure, altimeter errors, air circulation below and above the boundary layer, jet streams, air masses, frontal structure and associated weather, visibility and transitions, thunderstorms, icing, turbulence and low level wind shear. Topics covered in weather services include area, aerodrome and upper wind forecasts, weather reports, signets, radar reports and weather charts. Topics covered in flight planning include the analysis and application of meteorological data in daily flight operations. A passing grade must be obtained in this course in order to be recommended to attempt the Transport Canada written Private and Commercial examinations.
This course prepares the student for basic VFR navigation, including flight planning and en-route procedures as well as the understanding of charts and flight publications. Use of radio aids to navigation is also covered. Topics are: the earth, position, direction, distance, speed, bearings, the magnetic compass, triangle of velocities, E6-B flight computer, the effect of wind on the position of an aircraft in flight, the understanding and use of aeronautical charts and maps, the Canada flight supplement, aeronautical information publication and the Canadian airspace structure. The practical application of the theories of aircraft pilotage include: flight planning and preparation for cross country flight, route selection, checkpoints, safety altitudes, flight plans, weather requirements, set heading, en route, destination, diversion and lost procedures, as well as the use of short range radio navigation aids. A passing grade of a minimum of 60% must be obtained in this course in order to be recommended to write the Transport Canada Private and Commercial Examinations.
A study of the Canadian airspace structure, instrument flying rules, regulations and procedures. Topics include IFR publications, interpretation of aircraft flight and navigational instruments and procedures as well as the use of radar in the IFR environment.
This course covers basic aircraft communications and aircraft instruments. Air to ground VHF and HF communications, aircraft audio integration systems, pitot-static systems, flight pressure instruments, synchro systems, gyro instruments, compass systems and engine instruments are studied. Navigation systems covered include ADF, VOR, ILS and DME as well as ATC transponders. Systems are studied at the block level diagram and their specifications, methods of operation, and errors are studied.
Topics include operation of both single and multi-engine aircraft, piston engines, propellers, undercarriage, electrical systems, hydraulic systems, anti and de-ice systems, aircraft structures and construction, as well as basic troubleshooting procedures. A passing grade must be obtained in this course to be recommended to write the Transport Canada Private and Commercial Examinations.
This course focuses on the physiology and psychology of human factors with respect to a career in aviation. Topics include noise and vibration, hypoxia and hyperventilation, oxygen equipment, effects of pressure changes, balance information, motion sickness, mental and physical health, human factors engineering, jet lag, survival, and human factors in aircraft accidents. Particular attention will be given to CRM (Crew Resource Management), error management, judgement and decision making. A passing grade must be obtained in this course in order to be recommended to write the Transport Canada Commercial Examination.