Best place for Pilot training
A degree in aviation is a great way to further your career. Combine studying for an undergrad or graduate degree with skills based training such as pilot or aircraft mechanic, or get a degree that will open the doors to a wide area of fields inside the aviation industry. More than 300 aviation schools listed on BestAviation.net offer Aviation Degree programs from science degrees focused around flying or maintenance to airport management, meteorology and aerospace engineering.
Become an Aircraft Mechanic
Aircraft mechanics repair and maintain aircraft mechanical and avionics equipment, making flying one of the safest modes of transport there is. It's a job that requires dexterity, technical skills, a close attention to detail and great troubleshooting ability. Being an aircraft mechanic is both challenging and rewarding, and it's a qualification deployed in a wide area of operations. Help maintain the multi-million-dollar fleet of the airlines, service corporate jets or specialize in light aircraft repairs at your local airport.
Type Rating Training Courses
A Type Rating course is an advanced qualification added to a Pilot's License allowing the pilot to operate a specific type of aircraft. Aircraft heavier than 12, 500 lbs take-off weight, having more than 19 passenger seats or is jet powered requires a pilot to hold a Type Rating. It is a prerequisite to already hold a Pilot's License to attend a Type Rating Course. Browse more than 100 Aircraft Type Rating Training Organizations (TRTOs) to find the best deals on Type Rating Courses.
Flight Attendant Training Courses
Travel the world and make a living. Flight attendants are on board primarily for the safety of the passengers but it is also a very important customer facing role. As a flight attendant you become the face of the airline; greeting the passengers as they board, look after them during the flight and say goodbye as they disembark. This is why most airlines train their own flight attendants. Because an airline invests a lot in your training and becoming a flight attendant is a popular job, getting selected can be difficult. Attending a flight attendant preparation course can therefore set you apart and ensure you get your dream job.
Aircraft Dispatcher Courses
Aircraft Dispatchers are a very important part of the operations department at an airline. They ensure flights are successfully co-ordinated and the schedule is running on time. As an aircraft dispatcher you will be involved with a great variety of tasks including obtaining weather briefs, preparing load sheets, ordering fuel and ensuring the aircraft is released in an airworthy condition.