Aviation Schools in Germany
The aviation industry is poised to take a leading role in the increasingly globalized business community. If aviation is your interest, consider attending a university program in Germany. An international student will receive a world-class education in all facets of the aviation industry, as well as many lifestyle benefits. Germany’s long tradition of achievement in the sciences makes it a top-ranked destination for students wishing to enter the exciting field of aviation.
The aviation industry offers many job possibilities, each with different requirements and different educational pathways. You may organize your studies towards becoming a commercial pilot, designing or repairing airplanes, computer programming, or air traffic control. There are also study pathways to job opportunities in airport operations and management.
There are many top-ranked schools in Germany that offer an excellent undergraduate education in aviation management and also prepare students for management roles in the aviation business, such as airport operators, airlines or other aviation related fields. Some universities offer undergraduate programs that integrate theoretical study with on-the-job training. If you plan to study aviation in Germany at the graduate level, a bachelor’s or diploma degree in engineering or business is likely to be required. Some universities require prospective aviation students to obtain a training contract with a partner company.
Eligibility Requirements
Universities offering a master’s level degree in aviation may require one year of professional experience before entering. Studying aviation at the master’s level typically involves foundational courses such as economics, service management, law, accounting, mathematics, or computer science. As the course proceeds, it will include business logistics, supply chain management and aviation economics. There are many top-ranked schools in Germany that offer an excellent undergraduate education in aviation management and also prepare students for management roles in the aviation business, such as airport operators, airlines or other aviation related fields. Check each university’s website for specific enrollment requirements.
Cost of Studying Aviation in Germany
Germany is the fourth ranked educational destination in the world for international students. Those who study aviation in Germany find it a cost-effective educational path as well. Graduate programs charge fees, but are less expensive if you are entering from a German undergraduate program. The German Academic Exchange Service lists the average cost of studying aviation in Germany as US$10, 520 (€9, 170) per year, breaking down to US$540 (€470) for school fees and US$9, 980 (€8, 700) for 12 months of living – covering food, transport, accommodation, entertainment, course materials and other necessities. The country’s transportation system makes it easy to go to and from school and to travel extensively throughout Europe. The German people are friendly and welcoming to their international student visitors.